I for one am not given to replying to provocative statements!
in the chinese language you have 2 versions: traditional & simplified.. ever since the watchtower opened a field office in hong kong, they have made the watchtower study magazines into two versions: traditional & simplified.. the watchtower's communist roots go back further than that.
charles taze russel in his early watch tower (notice there is a difference between watch tower aka guard tower.... & watchtower aka enochian magic, aka justice league, aka league of the just men 1834, aka communist league 1847) predicted some 36 years in advance that there would be a communist revolution in russia.
it was called many things but in 1918 it was officially called a communist revolution, exactly around the time when the government began arresting rutherford.. when you do the research you find that the last communist meeting was held in allegheny pennsylvania, exactly where & when russel began his watch tower.. don't you find it strange that the watchtower is able to produce so many worker bee jw's, who operate like mindless robots???.
I for one am not given to replying to provocative statements!
in the chinese language you have 2 versions: traditional & simplified.. ever since the watchtower opened a field office in hong kong, they have made the watchtower study magazines into two versions: traditional & simplified.. the watchtower's communist roots go back further than that.
charles taze russel in his early watch tower (notice there is a difference between watch tower aka guard tower.... & watchtower aka enochian magic, aka justice league, aka league of the just men 1834, aka communist league 1847) predicted some 36 years in advance that there would be a communist revolution in russia.
it was called many things but in 1918 it was officially called a communist revolution, exactly around the time when the government began arresting rutherford.. when you do the research you find that the last communist meeting was held in allegheny pennsylvania, exactly where & when russel began his watch tower.. don't you find it strange that the watchtower is able to produce so many worker bee jw's, who operate like mindless robots???.
I very much doubt that Rutherford's one and only attempt to ingratiate himself with Hitler had anything to do with Socialism.
While the term "NAZI" is an acronym derived from the words "National Socialist Party", that is where the resemblance ended between Nazism and Socialism! (As others have noted already, the Nazis were a Fascist group. As such, they were every bit enemies of Communists and Socialists as they were of the Western Democracies).
Hitler's response to Rutherford's overtures was to declare war on the JWs; and he, too, from that point onwards never had a kind word to say about Hitler. Der Fuhrer actually loved the Witnesses so much that they even had to wear their own special identity badge - a purple triangle - on their prison uniforms!
in the chinese language you have 2 versions: traditional & simplified.. ever since the watchtower opened a field office in hong kong, they have made the watchtower study magazines into two versions: traditional & simplified.. the watchtower's communist roots go back further than that.
charles taze russel in his early watch tower (notice there is a difference between watch tower aka guard tower.... & watchtower aka enochian magic, aka justice league, aka league of the just men 1834, aka communist league 1847) predicted some 36 years in advance that there would be a communist revolution in russia.
it was called many things but in 1918 it was officially called a communist revolution, exactly around the time when the government began arresting rutherford.. when you do the research you find that the last communist meeting was held in allegheny pennsylvania, exactly where & when russel began his watch tower.. don't you find it strange that the watchtower is able to produce so many worker bee jw's, who operate like mindless robots???.
There is a lot in common between the domination / mind control techniques of religious cults, such as the JWs, and that used by the more extreme political groups, such as the communists. (But these techniques are not just limited to communism. In their time, the Nazis used similar - if less effective - thought control methods).
Whether or not the JWs are a communist front, though, is another matter.
During the years of the cold war (when I was a JW), you used to get that charge flung at you.
The classic rebuttal to that accusation was:
"If we are communists, how come we are outlawed in the Soviet Union - together with in all the other communist block countries?"
You obviously have very strong feelings about this matter. However, you did ask for others to comment on this thought, so I have given you mine!
earlier this morning, i posted off to the the institute of engineers an application for membership as an "engineering associate":.
- today being just over 40 years since the congregation's retards elders made me abandon my apprenticeship.. (in this part of the world, the pre-1975 hype was taken to that level.
not being content to prevent young persons attending university, they went one step further and treated with hostility any youngster who would "tie up five years of their lives" by entering into an apprenticeship.
This is an update on how it has all progressed to so far.
In fact, the Institute of Engineers was short and to the point, virtually telling me in just so many words to "come back and see us when you have an Advanced Diploma."
So .................. I decided there and then to do just that! The Advanced Diploma course that I have enrolled on begins this coming Monday, and is carried out on-line, in what is often described as a "Virtual Classroom" situation. It is geared specifically for persons like me, who are working full time, who already have extensive industry experience, but need to obtain some formal academic qualification. (Recognition is granted for prior learning, thus reducing the course duration to 18 months - albeit though a very intense 18 months).
I have no doubt that this is going to present a challenge!
- working, as I do, an average of eleven hours per day.
- and it being over 30 years since I have done any serious academic studies (i.e. the Certificate of Engineering course, back in 1982).
However, I am still looking forward to the next year-and-a-half.
(There is, too, the "Hobson's Choice" factor to it - i.e. if I don't gain higher formal qualifications than I already have, then I possibly won't be able to retain the job I currently have).
Wish me luck, please!
she took english, maths and physics and acheived a* a* and a. .
it is the best thing possible for me, even better than seeing her opening birthday presents or the day she won the halloween fancy dress prize at school.. her dad died five years ago but she has coped and done so well at school.
it has shown me that despite what happens in life you can still do well and reach your goals, especially if you take a cult upbringing out of the equation!
I speak as someone who, as a teenager, was stopped by the JW elders from attending university:
- but who is about to resume tertiary studies some 40+ years later (the Advanced Diploma course actually begins this Monday).
All I can say to your daughter is "Go for your bloody life!"
It is possible to pick it up later on, but (as I am finding out) much harder to do than when you are fresh out of high school.
in my old congregation, everyone seems clean.
mostly chaste courtship, kingdom hall wedding, blah blah.. well there are lots of cases of fondling but they were soon forgotton.
when my husband and i confessed to sex before marriage, the elders were disgusted.
After reading some of the accounts on this board, I often get the feeling that the JWs I knew must have been a straight-laced lot!
But, yes, over a 28 year period and around a dozen different congregations, my observation was that their "puritanical standards" on this matter were adhered to. Hard, yes (and in my own case, bloody hard!), but conformed to they were.
My experience, anyway, with this vexatious matter!
i always was a critical jw, now df and agnost.
but still this religion fascinates me.
in my eyes most jw are very sincere, but dumb sheep.. this board is filled with ex-jw.
I don't know that "what is moral is fluid". I tend to agree with the observations of Stephen Covey in his Seven Habits of Highly Effective People , that there are basic moral principles which are common to all the world's major and enduring religions.
Moreover, you don't need anybody (a religion or whatever) to tell you what these are:
- rather just imagine for yourself what the world would be like if the opposite were to prevail.
By the way, 1009, thanks for starting this thread. While some have reacted angrily (and initially, you pressed a few of my buttons, too!), I think that you have demonstrated that we can discuss such matters without hurting each other!
to those who don't believe in this shyt:you'd better not post here .
ok...so you ever used it?what experiences do you have?were you able to summon a demon?what did he tell you?what did you see?i'm really curious and i wanna try it!.
I have heard various versions of the "Ouija board being asked what was going to happen in 1975, and it flew off the table / exploded / burned down the building etc. etc. etc." story - to the point that I wonder if it is in the same category as that other JW urban legend:
i.e. the one about the pioneer sister who was spared the attentions of a serial murderer by the "Two Large Men" standing behind her - a pair of body guards who were invisible to her, but not to the guy she was talking to! (supposedly).
i always was a critical jw, now df and agnost.
but still this religion fascinates me.
in my eyes most jw are very sincere, but dumb sheep.. this board is filled with ex-jw.
A "Board of Bitterness"?
My experience as a JW, together with what I have seen of other religious groups, has left me extremely distrustful of religion in any of its forms.
I do not take kindly to anybody that has caused me harm, and the JW religion has wrought me harm in various ways. It does make me feel better to, at times, vent my spleen on them by using a few unkind expressions with which to describe my feelings. If some like to call that "bitterness", then so be it!
a comprehensive new book:.
"the good... the bad... the deceptive.... and worse!
an expose".
I would have thought that the time to form an opinion about a certain piece of writing is after you have read it through.
That is what I will be doing, anyway!